What is the minimum length of stay in your apartments?
As a rule the minimum stay is 3 nights.
Where are your apartments located?
We have approx. 30 locations in the Stuttgart / Esslingen region and 4 locations in Berlin with a total of over 200 apartments. We will be pleased to assist you further.
How are the apartments equipped?
Generally all our apartments have the same basic equipment. This may vary depending on the size of the apartment. All apartments have a high quality kitchen (in some cases open-plan) equipped with a cooker, cooking utensils, coffee machine, cutlery, glassware, crockery etc. Some of the kitchens also have a microwave and a dishwasher. Each apartment has top quality duvets and pillows and 2 sets of corresponding bed linen. The bathrooms have either a shower or bath-tub and hand and bath towels and a bathmat are provided. Telephone, TV and electric trouser press round off the equipment.
Are clothes washing facilities available?
The majority of our properties have a communal room with either one or more washing machines and tumble dryer. Use of the tumble dryer is free of charge. The washing machines are connected to a meter with a charge of €2 for two hours. Some of the larger apartments have their own washing machine.
Can I have my apartment cleaned?
We can gladly organise a service company to clean at an additional charge.
Do I need to clean my apartment thoroughly when moving out?
No, this is not necessary. To guarantee consistent quality and hygiene standards, the final clean is carried out by a service company. The charge varies depending on the size of the apartment.
Where can I park my vehicle?
A parking space or a garage may be rented at most of our locations.
Do I have to pay a deposit?
As a rule, when renting accommodation for 1 month or more, a deposit of 2 months’ rent (without VAT) has to be paid. This is refunded when you move out and the settlement is completed. Alternatively we accept a corporate guarantee or credit card security.
All charges / rent prices quoted in the offers include VAT.
Rent Prices
The rent prices quoted in the offers are inclusive of utilities and communal charges (water, electricity, waste disposal, heating) and standing charges for telephone and TV.